Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Class 7 - Path of Preparation - Four Levels

Download PDF's of Class Handouts, Class NOTES and MP3 Tracks from the 7th class of Spring 2013 term held on the 24th day of April.

Geshe Kelsang Wangmo presents first of two classes on the four levels of the Mahayana Path of Preparation.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 7

2013 Spring Handout 9 - Mahayana Path of Accumulation, cont.:  Middling & Great levels.  Chart - three levels of Path of Accumulation.  Mahayana Path of Preparation:  Four levels, each with three subdivisions (Small, Middling, Great) introduction.

2013 Spring Handout 10 - Mahayana Path of Preparation's Four Levels, cont.:  1) Heat, 2) Peak, 3) Forbearance, 4) Supreme Dharma.  Chart:  Mundane, Arya & Supramundane Paths.  Four types of Misperceptions re Four types of Conceptual Consciousnesses that grasp at True Existence.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Oral Quiz Class to Review Path of Accumulation.

Mahayana Path of Preparation (སྦྱོར་ལམ་) - HANDOUT 9

Meditative Stabilization that is a Union of Calm Abiding and Special Insight conceptually realizing Emptiness -- the First Moment of the Path of Preparation.

Four Levels of the Mahayana Path of Preparation:
• Heat
• Peak
• Forbearance
• Supreme Dharma

Track 2 - Meaning of Dualistic Appearance to a conceptual mental consciousness.
  • Generic / Mental Images appear to conceptual mental consciousnesses, e.g., pop song playing over and over in your head; it is not a ‘sound’ but an image of a sound.
  • All phenomena are completely divisible into Conventional or Ultimate Truths.
  • A Conventional Truth always appears to ordinary beings (due to imprints of ignorance) as inherently / truly existent.
Three Ways in which Conceptual Consciousness Realizing Emptiness is a Dualistic Mind:
  1. That mind realizing Emptiness, the lack of true existence, does so by means of a generic image, which appears truly existent.
  2. That mind’s generic representation of Emptiness (Ultimate Truth) is a Conventional Truth.
  3. That mind always experiences subject/object duality: a sense of the subject (the mind) being here and its object (Emptiness) being there.
Summary of three appearances that characterize a conceptual mind realizing Emptiness as a dualistic mind:

• The appearance of inherent existent.
• The appearance of a conventional truth (i.e., the generic image of Emptiness).
• The appearance of subject and object being separate (the mind is here and the object is over there).

To the mind directly realizing Emptiness, none of those three dualities appear.

Appearances of inherent existence to conceptual mind realizing Emptiness:
• The generic image appears to be inherently existent.
• Emptiness, itself, appears to be inherently existent.
• The appearance of subject and object appear to be inherently different.

Method of Directly/Incontrovertibly Realizing Manifest & Slightly Hidden Phenomena is Reversed

Heat (དྲོད་) level - Path of Preparation - HANDOUT 10

  Pervasion between Intellectually Acquired Afflictive Obstructions and Intellectually Acquired Afflictions.

Peak (རྩེ་མོ་) level - Path of Preparation

Forbearance (བཟོད་པ་) level - Path of Preparation – Overcomes Fear of Emptiness

Track 3 - Supreme Dharma (ཆོས་མཆོག་) level - Path of Preparation –

Great Supreme Dharma level of the Path of Preparation is the highest level of the Ordinary Mahayana Paths.
Note: In Class 8, Geshe Wangmo announced that the English translations “Mundane” and “Supramundane” used to describe two types of Paths in Class 7 and its Handouts, would be changed to “Ordinary” and “Superior” as mundane is generally used as translation in another context.
  • Ordinary Paths – Paths of Accumulation and Preparation.  
  • Superior (Arya) Paths – Paths of Seeing, Meditation and No More Learning. Supreme Dharma
Characteristics of the Four Levels of Mahayana Path of Preparation:

A.  Conceptual Realization of Emptiness in dependence upon a union of calm abiding and special insight, which is clear (due to being a calm abiding meditation, free of excitement and dullness).

B.  Four Misconceptions are overcome on Path of Preparation – INTRODUCTION:

On each level of the Path of Preparation, a category of misconceptions concerning the Emptiness of various phenomena is overcome. The terminology describing these different misconceptions may be confusingly unfamiliar (and will be explained more completely in Class 8).

These four ignorant minds are conceptions that apprehend four types of phenomena to be truly existent.

Those four types of phenomena that are mistakenly apprehended as existing truly are:
  1. ‘thoroughly afflicted phenomena being objects of experience’ 
  2.  ‘completely pure phenomena being objects of experience’
  3.  ‘perceivers of substantial existence being experiencers’ 
  4.  ‘perceivers of imputed existence being experiencers’
Misconceptions of true existence regarding some Phenomena are easier to overcome than regarding other types of Phenomena:

  We perceive all phenomena and all of our experience of phenomena as inherently existent. When we analyze how phenomena actually lack true existence, the lack of true existence of anger is easier to understand than the lack of true existence of love; the lack of true existence of table is easier to grasp than the Emptiness of the mind.

  Similarly, the easier to overcome of the Four Misconceptions that are overcome on the Path of Preparation, are overcome in succession of difficulty, one per level.

Class Quiz - Review of Path of Preparation

NOTES - Class 7 (April 24) rough draft transcript of class offered for what it's worth.  

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.

This is the 7th class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Class 6 - Path of Accumulation's Three Levels

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 6th class of Spring 2013 term held on the 22nd day of April.

Geshe Kelsang Wangmo presents the three levels of the Mahayana Path of Accumulation.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 6
2013 Spring Handout 8 - Mahayana Path of Accumulation, cont.:  Causal Awareness required to generate Bodhicitta:  2) Equanimity – necessary prerequisite to generate Bodhicitta with Seven-fold Cause & Effect instructions and Equalizing & Exchanging Self for Others - techniques that can generate other requisite minds, e.g.:  3) Affectionate Love; 4) Great Compassion; 5) Altruistic Attitude; 6) Aspiration to Benefit Others.  Bodhicitta on the Path of Accumulation: dormant & manifold, in continua of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas (on the Fifth Mahayana Path); Aspiration and Engaging Bodhicitta.  Three levels of Mahayana Path of Accumulation:  1) Small, 2) Middling.

2013 Spring Handout 9 - Mahayana Path of Accumulation, cont.:  Middling & Great levels.  Chart - three levels of Path of Accumulation.  Mahayana Path of Preparation:  Four levels, each with three subdivisions (Small, Middling, Great) introduction.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.


Aspirational & Engaging Bodhicitta:
  • the Bodhisattva Vow  
  • Mādhyamika Prāsaṅgika (Consequentialists) & Mādhyamika Svātantrika (Autonomists) Assertions re: Aspirational & Engaging Bodhicitta differ due to their different assertions re: the Nature of Vows.  
    • Consequentialists: Vows are a subtle form present in Bodhisattvas’ continua.  Having taken and maintained the Bodhisattva Vow, Aspiring Bodhicitta is not present. 
    •  Autonomits, et al.: Vows are a Mind that thinks, “I will keep the vow”. When that mind is not manifest, the Bodhisattva has Aspiring Bodhicitta.
Track 2 - Three Levels of the Mahayana Path of Accumulation - HANDOUT 8.
  • Small Mahayana Path of Accumulation:
    • Training in Wisdom on Small Path 
      • Differentiate Bodhisattvas of Sharp & Dull (relatively) Faculties 
      • Inferential Cognition - Necessary to Incontrovertibly Know Slightly Hidden Phenomena 
    • Training in Method (strengthen Bodhicitta & its Causal Minds & the Perfections)
Small Path of Accumulation
Summary of Qualities/Attainments
  •  Bodhicitta can still deteriorate. 
  •  Unless emptiness has been realized before, practitioners need to train in the different types of reasoning that establish the lack of true existence. 
  • Practitioners meditate on Bodhicitta, compassion, the six perfections, etc.
** Note: In Class 8, Geshe Wangmo made a correction to page 1 of HANDOUT 8, in the second sentence of a paragraph near the bottom of the page.  The mistaken sentence (with the error highlighted in bold) read:
Furthermore, even though Bodhicitta is the criterion that determines whether Bodhisattvas are on the Mahayana path, this does not mean that Bodhicitta must always be present in their continua.
The correction should read:
Furthermore, even though Bodhicitta is the criterion that determines whether practitioners are on the Mahayana path, this does not mean that Bodhicitta must always be present in their continua.
Track 3 - Middling Path of Accumulation - HANDOUTS 8 & 9.
  • Generating the Inferential (Conceptual) Cognition Realizing Emptiness 
  • Achieving the Meditative Stability of the Union of Calm Abiding & Special Insight 
Middling Path of Accumulation
Summary of Qualities/Attainments

• Bodhicitta cannot deteriorate anymore.
• Unless taken before, practitioners need to take the Bodhisattva vow.
• Unless realized previously, practitioners need to realize emptiness with an inferential cognizer.
• Unless attained before, practitioners need to attain the meditative stabilization that is a union of calm abiding and special insight.
• Practitioners meditate on Bodhicitta, compassion, the six perfections, etc.

Track 4 - Great Path of Accumulation. - HANDOUTt 9
  • Attain the Mental Stability of Continuous Dharma (ཆོས་རྒྱུན་གྱི་ཏིང་ངེ་འཛིན་) which has the power to hear the Buddhas’ teachings remotely. 
  • Train to Realize Emptiness Conceptually in the Meditative Union of Calm Abiding & Special Insight.
    • How Many Possibilities between Realizing Emptiness Conceptually & Inferentially? 
When you realize Emptiness with an inferential cognizer, you do so conceptually. However, when you realize Emptiness conceptually you don’t necessarily realize it with an inferential cognizer.

Realizing with an inferential cognizer refers to a new realization of Emptiness based on reasoning. But when you strengthen the understanding of Emptiness, you don’t rely so much on the reasoning. And when you have a spontaneous conceptual realization of Emptiness, you are not relying on inferential cognition. When you in the union of calm abiding and special insight, you conceptually realize Emptiness, you do not do so based on inferential cognition. A mental image, not the actual object, appears to the conceptual consciousness.

If we close our eyes and use conceptual consciousness, we have a mental image of an object that we perceived directly with a sense consciousness. It is the opposite when we work to realize Emptiness directly. First, we realize Emptiness conceptually with an inferential cognizer, and then after habituation, we realize Emptiness conceptually without going through inferential reasoning.
Great Path of Accumulation
Summary of Qualities/Attainments

• Practitioners attain the Mental Stability of Continuous Dharma
• Practitioners need to train in the development of the union of calm abiding and special insight conceptually realizing emptiness.
• Practitioners meditate on Bodhicitta, compassion, the six perfections, etc.

NOTES - Class 6 (April 22) rough draft transcript of class offered for what it's worth.  

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.

This is the 6th class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Class 5 - Prerequisites for Generating Bodhicitta

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 5th class of Spring 2013 term held on the 17th day of April.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 5
2013 Spring Handout 7 - Afflictive Obstructions & their Seeds, cont.  Cognitive Obstructions - Imprints (not Seeds) of the Afflictions.  Chart:  Mahayana Arya Path Bhumis & Obstructions eliminated thereon.  Mahayana Path of Accumulation:  Causal Awareness required to generate Bodhicitta:  1) Awareness that aspires for Liberation; 2) Equanimity.

2013 Spring Handout 8 - Mahayana Path of Accumulation, cont.:  Causal Awareness required to generate Bodhicitta:  2) Equanimity – necessary prerequisite to generate Bodhicitta with Seven-fold Cause & Effect instructions and Equalizing & Exchanging Self for Others - techniques that can generate other requisite minds, e.g.:  3) Affectionate Love; 4) Great Compassion; 5) Altruistic Attitude; 6) Aspiration to Benefit Others.  Bodhicitta on the Path of Accumulation: dormant & manifold, in continua of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas (on the Fifth Mahayana Path); Aspiration and Engaging Bodhicitta.  Three levels of Mahayana Path of Accumulation:  1) Small, 2) Middling.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Virtuous Throwing Karma supports Samsara; Paths cut away at Samsara - how they operate in minds of Bodhisattvas.  Q&A.  Review Obstructions.

Track 2 - Six minds (causal awarenesses) that must be developed before Bodhicitta can be generated, e.g., Renunciation, Equanimity.  Handout 7 & Handout 8.

Track 3 - Handout 8.  Two Techniques (Seven-Fold Cause & Effect & Exchanging Self/Others) to be used together to generate Bodhicitta.

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 5th class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course which addresses the 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic (Mahayana
Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Yes! Class meeting on Friday, 19 APRIL

The announcement in class on Friday, April 12th was that class would not be held on Friday, 19 April 2013, as a number of students will attend a Dharma teaching in Bir, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh.

However, in class on Monday, April 15th, the show of hands of students who would not be going to Bir and the number who would be going being about equal, Geshe-la postponed a final decision about holding some type of informal class meeting on Friday, April 19th.

In the class on Wednesday, 17 April, Geshe-la said she would hold an informal class session for those who are in town.  This class will not be a regular class session that covers new material in our text.  Rather, we will have review, discussion and consider some of the debates for the material covered so far.

The regular class will be rescheduled later.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Class 4 - Differentiate Obstrutive "Seeds" & "Imprints"

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 4th class of Spring 2013 term held on the 15th day April 2013.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 4
2013 Spring Handout 6 - Five Paths of Hinayana & Mahayana, Chart. Afflictive Obstructions (Intellectually Acquired & Innate) & Cognitive Obstructions.

2013 Spring Handout 7 - Afflictive Obstructions & their Seeds, cont.  Cognitive Obstructions - Imprints (not Seeds) of the Afflictions.  Chart:  Mahayana Arya Path Bhumis & Obstructions eliminated thereon.  Mahayana Path of Accumulation:  Causal Awareness required to generate Bodhicitta:  1) Awareness that aspires for Liberation; 2) Equanimity.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Recording of Entire Class - HANDOUTS 6 & 7

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 4th class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Class 3 - Do I have a Path in my Continuum?

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 3rd class of Spring 2013 term held on the 12th day April 2013.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 3
2013 Spring Handout 5 - Ch. 1, Topic 2 - Ten Mahayana Practice Instructions: (1)-(8) were subjects of Spring 2011-Fall 2012 terms. (9) & (10) - Path of Seeing and Path of Meditation are first set of subjects for Spring 2013; preliminary subject: the Five Paths of Hinayana & Mahayana

2013 Spring Handout 6 - Five Paths of Hinayana & Mahayana, Chart. Afflictive Obstructions (Intellectually Acquired & Innate) & Cognitive Obstructions.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Review material from Class 2 (e.g., Bodhicitta, Topic 1 of Ch. 1) and continue Ornament covered in past terms:  Topic 2, Practice Instructions 1-8 (of 10) - HANDOUT 5

Track 2 - Ch. 1, Topic 2, Practice Instructions 9 - Path of Seeing & 10 - Path of Meditation:  First Topics of 2013 Term.  Objects of Abandonment/Eradication on Paths - HANDOUT 5.  General Introduction to Five Paths of Fundamental Vehicle & Five Paths of Mahayana.  *Do I have a Path in my Continuum?  HANDOUT 6:  Gateway to Hinayana: Spontaneous Renunciation of Samsara (i.e., the Three types ofSufferings).  3 kinds of feeling & 3 kinds of Suffering.  What is Samsara?  Q&A.

Track 3 - Meaning of "Bodhicitta is Gateway to Mahayana Path" - Bodhicitta must always be present - manifest or dormant/latent (when it is "conjoined" with any virtuous activity).

Track 4 - Afflictive & Cognitive Obstructions. What do they obstruct?  Seeds of un-manifested Afflictions.  Temporary antidotes/permanent eradication.  Meaning of "coarser obstructions"

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 3rd class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Class 2 - Introduction & Review, cont.

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 2nd class of Spring 2013 term held on Wednesday, April 10.

Geshe Kelsang Wangmo follows the Tibetan Monastic tradition of presenting a review of the material covered in prior terms of this Perfection of Wisdom course.  For further information on these topics, please look at prior term's blog posts.  Reviewing the blog posts of the first and second classes of the Spring 2012 term (as well as similar posts for other terms) and related Handouts, transcripts and MP3's may be relevant to your studies.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 2
2013 Spring Handout 3 - Summary (i.e., Contents) of Ornament: Eight Clear Realizations. Thirteen Verses listing its 70 Topics. Chapter 1: Topics 1-8 (of its Ten Topics)

2013 Spring Handout 4 - Intro-review of Chapter 1, cont., Topics 9 & 10.  Ch.1 Topic 1 - Bodhicitta:  Two Aspirations.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Continue review of subjects covered from the preface and Chapter 1 of the Ornament/Abhisamayalamkara in prior years. Handout 3.

Track 2 - 10 Topics of Chapter 1 illustrate Buddha's Omniscient Mind of the Exalted Knower of All Aspects, Handout 3-4. Topic 1 - Bodhicitta. Q&A.

Track 3 - Handout 4 - Bodhicitta (Topic 1 of Ch. 1's 10 Topics).

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 1st class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Spring 2013 - First Class - Introduction to Course/Subject Matter

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 1st class of Spring 2013 term held on Monday, April 8.

Geshe Kelsang Wangmo follows the Tibetan Monastic tradition of presenting a review of the material covered in prior terms of this Perfection of Wisdom course.  For further information on these topics, please look at prior term's blog posts.  Reviewing the blog posts of the first and second classes of the Spring 2012 term (as well as similar posts for other terms) and related Handouts, transcripts and MP3's may be relevant to your studies.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 1:

2013 Spring Handout 1 - Introductory Background to Course: Three Wheels of Dharma; Ornament for Clear Realizations.

2013 Spring Handout 2 - Ornament for Clear Realizations - Translator's Homage; Maitreya's Homage and its Meaning, Maitreya's Purpose for composing the Ornament.

2013 Spring Handout 3 - Summary (i.e., Contents) of Ornament: Eight Clear Realizations. Thirteen Verses listing its 70 Topics. Chapter 1: Topics 1-8 (of its Ten Topics)

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Background of Perfection of Wisdom class procedures: timings, texts, review sessions, senior students, etc.etc.

Track 2 - Introduction to course Subject:  HANDOUT 1 - Three Wheels of of Buddha's Philosophical Teachings. Second Wheel teaches Objective Buddha Nature, some Third Wheel sutras teach the Subjective Buddha Nature.  *Listen to Track 5 for more on these two aspects of Buddha Nature.

Track 3 - Intro, cont.:  HANDOUT 1 - Tibetan monastic studies focus on Perfection of Wisdom Sutras to study all of Buddha's teachings. Introduce Maitreya's Ornament for Clear Realizations / Abhisamayalamkara, a commentary on the Hidden meaning of the Second Wheel Sutras.  Review portion of Ornament studied in prior years of this course: Title.  HANDOUT 2 - Translators' Homages, three types of Buddhist Faith.

Track 4 - Intro, cont.:  HANDOUT 2 - Maitreya's Homage to the Three Knowers, the Mothers of the Four Aryas. Panchen Sonam Drakpa. Maitreya's Purpose for composing the Ornament.  HANDOUT 3 - Summary (i.e., the Table of Contents), Paths - mental states derived from meditation.

Track 5 - Intro, cont.:  HANDOUT 3 - Contents: Eight Clear Realizations, Seventy Topics.

Q&A re Objective Mind (Perfection of Wisdom Sutras) & Subjective Mind (Tathagatagarba Sutra).

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 1st class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Reading List suggestions for Course


  1. Debate in Tibetan Buddhism by Daniel E. Perdue – Snow Lion Publications
  2. Knowing, Naming &  Negation by Anne Carolyn Klein – Snow Lion Publication 
  1. Mind in Tibetan Buddhism by Lati Rinpoche and Elizabeth Napper – Snow Lion Publications.
  2. Buddhist Psychology by Geshe Tashi Tsering – Wisdom Publications 

* PDF DOWNLOADS for above. {This is a new post - though dated 2004}

  1. Cutting through appearances by Jeffrey Hopkins – Snow Lion Publications.
  2. Maps of the profound by Jeffrey Hopkins – Snow Lion Publications.
  3. Buddhist Philosophy by Daniel Cozort and Craig Preston – Snow Lion Publications.
  4. Appearance and Reality by Guy Newland – Snow Lion Publications. 


  • Meditation on Emptiness by Jeffrey Hopkins - Snow Lion Publications.
  • The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment / Lam Rim Chenmo by Lama Tsongkhapa, Vols. I, II, & III – Snow Lion Publications. 



Abhisamayalamkara by Maitreya 


Download PDF of Ornament in Tibetan (mཎgon rཊogs rGyan - མངོན་རྟོགས་རྒྱན་ - input in Mac Pages by Marta Saro).

Download PDF of Introduction & Chapter 1 of Ornament with Gyaltseb Je's Outlines & chapter headings (English translation by Instituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Italy, 1998).

HANDOUTS - CHARTS - serve as Course Texts    

Download PDFs of SPRING 2011 Handouts, Charts & Notes - BODHICITTA & the TWO TRUTHS.

Download PDFs of  FALL 2011 - Handouts 1-9 & Class Notes - Noble Truth of Suffering

Download PDFs of FALL 2011 - Handouts 10-22 & Class Notes - Noble Truth of Origination.

Download PDFs of FALL 2011 - Handouts 23-29 - Noble Truths of Cessation & Path.

Download PDFs of SPRING 2012 Handouts & Class Notes - REFUGE.

Download PDFs of FALL 2012 Handouts & Class Notes - Diligence; and Meditative States & Clairvoyance.

BOOKS related to the Ornament for Clear Realizations topics to-date

  1. Ornament for Clear Realization by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche – Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Trust Publications. 
  2. Bodhicitta by Ven. Lobsang Gyatso – Snow Lion Publications.
  3. The Awakening Mind by Geshe Tashi Tsering – Wisdom Publications.
  4. The Two Truths by Guy Newland – Snow Lion Publications.
  5. Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth by Geshe Tashi Tsering – Wisdom Publications.
  6. Knowledge and Liberation by Ann Carolyn Klein – Snow Lion Publications.
  7. Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism - Part One - Lati Rinbochay's Oral Presentation of the Concentrations and Formless Absorptions .  Part Two - Panchen Sonam Drakpa's "Explanation Concentrations and Formless Absorptions" from his General Meaning (Commentary on Maitreya's Ornament for Clear Realization) with Denma Lochoe Rinbochay's oral commentary.  Translations by Leah Zahler & Jeffrey Hopkins.  Wisdom Publications - Boston. **
** This text includes a translation of the section of Panchen Sonam Drakpa's General Meaning textbook  on the subject-matter of the FALL 2012 term.