Monday, April 15, 2013

Class 4 - Differentiate Obstrutive "Seeds" & "Imprints"

Download PDF's of Class Handouts and MP3 Tracks from the 4th class of Spring 2013 term held on the 15th day April 2013.

DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 4
2013 Spring Handout 6 - Five Paths of Hinayana & Mahayana, Chart. Afflictive Obstructions (Intellectually Acquired & Innate) & Cognitive Obstructions.

2013 Spring Handout 7 - Afflictive Obstructions & their Seeds, cont.  Cognitive Obstructions - Imprints (not Seeds) of the Afflictions.  Chart:  Mahayana Arya Path Bhumis & Obstructions eliminated thereon.  Mahayana Path of Accumulation:  Causal Awareness required to generate Bodhicitta:  1) Awareness that aspires for Liberation; 2) Equanimity.

ALL SPRING 2013 PDF Handouts are HERE.

Track 1 - Recording of Entire Class - HANDOUTS 6 & 7

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.
This is the 4th class of the Spring 2013 term the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 8th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic
(Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.


Gilah said...

Nordron la, the link to the full class recording is not working. Message is: Not Found
The requested URL /Abhi/mp3/2013Class04/20130415C04.mp3.mp3 was not found on this server.

Sorry and thanks,

Nordron said...

Thank you, Gilah. Also, thank you for posting the message, which clearly shows the Typo in the file name's extension, '.mp3.mp3' It is fixed and works now.

Unknown said...

Class 4 Track link not working
Dr Suresh Gupta