Monday, April 07, 2014

Class 1 - Mahayana Path of Preparation - introduction

The 1st class of Spring 2014 term was held on Monday, the 7th day of April. The Mahayana Path of Preparation is the topic of the first half of the term.

Download the Spring 2014 Course Text-PDF, prepared by Geshe Kelsang Wangmo.

Please NOTE: Geshe Wangmo presented an overview of the Mahayana Path of Preparation in the 7th Class of the Spring 2013 Term. You can download the Recorded MP3 tracks of that class, together with a transcript of NOTES from the class, and the Handouts Geshe Wangmo prepared as the text for that class at this blog's April 24, 2013 POST.

DOWNLOAD Recorded MP3 Tracks of Class 1:

Logicistics in-Classroom attendance.

Track 1 - Introduction to this Ornament for the Perfection of Wisdom Course.

Track 2 - Introduction to the subject matter of this Spring 2013 Term of the Course: the Mahayana Path of Preparation.  After general introduction, begins Introduce to relevant terminology, e.g.,
  • Awareness Arisen from Hearing (Correctly Assuming Consciousness, 
  • Awareness Arisen from Contemplation (Inferential Cognizer), 
  • Awareness Arisen from Meditation (Conceptual Calm Abiding).
Track 3 - Q & A.

If any of the LINKS don't work, please leave a COMMENT or notify us by E-Mail.

This is the 1st class of the Spring 2014 term of
the Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses 3rd Topic - Mahayana Path of Preparation
of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.


Unknown said...

Great work and ressources - thank you so much.

I cannot download class 3 - 4 and 5 from course 2015???

Nordron said...

Dear Elea, I cannot explain why you are unable to download MP3s from Spring 2015: All the links for the MP3 tracks from those 3 classes immediately open in a new tab (in my Firefox browser) and begin playing, ready for download. Those tracks are: ! & 2 of Class 3; ! & 2 of Class 4; and 1-3 of Class 5.

It is especially odd if you have been able to download tracks for other Classes. Different browsers may require the user to use different methods for downloading. The browser I am familiar with is Firefox, and if I can answer questions about how to download via Firefox.

Another possibility, is that you are referring to classes from a term other than SPRING 2015?