DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 6:
2012 Fall Handout 7
ALL FALL 2012 PDF Handouts are HERE.
Track 1 - Review Je Tsong Khapa's Lam Rim Chen-mo material on Diligence/Joyous Effort presented in Classes 2-5.
Track 2 - Background to Debate & Study at IBD & Geluk Monastic Universities:
- Buddha’s Teachings & Indian Commentaries
- Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhist Scholarship & Studies:
- Approach to Study: Deep Understanding rather than learning Vast collection of information.
- Brief History of Geluk Studies & Debate
- Panchen Sonam Drakpa – Textbook author for IBD, Drepung Loseling & Gaden Shartse Monastic Colleges and several Nunneries.
- Non-Adherence,
- Non-Weariness, and
- Thoroughly Upholding the Mahayana Path.
Track 4 - Gyaltsab Je’s Outline/Commentary on Maitreya & Haribhadra's presentations of the Three Diligence:
- Manifest Discordant Factors
- Manifest & Dormant Anger
- Eliminating Manifest Anger (with Patience) versus Eliminating Anger’s Seeds
- Instructions on the Causes for Non-Degeneration of One's Practice re Diligence of Non-Adherence
- The Three Doors
- Reflections on Emptiness to Curb Attachment.
Track 5 - Diligence of Non-Adherence per Haribhadra and Gyaltsab-Je’s Commentaries:
- Practitioners of Weak Faculty or Strong Faculty vis-a-vis Understanding Emptiness.
- Clarifying relationship of conceptual realization of Emptiness and entry into and advancement on the Five Mahayana Paths.
- Distinguishing healthy loving attachment and clinging attachment.
- What precisely does 'happiness of the body' mean.
- Is Emptiness, which has negative connotations (empty box or feelings of depression) a good translation to mean the lack of inherent existence?
- Limitless love versus limited anger, etc.
NOTES of Class 6 (Sept 28) rough draft transcript of class offered for what it's worth.
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This is the 6TH class of the Fall 2012 term Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses Diligence (Joyous Effort), the 4th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic (Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.
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