DOWNLOAD Handouts - text for Class 5:
2012 Fall Handout 4
2012 Fall Handout 5
2012 Fall Handout 6
2012 Fall Handout 7
ALL FALL 2012 PDF Handouts are HERE.
Track 1 - Review Class 4 - TRACKS 2 & 3, HANDOUTS 4 & 5.
Employing Methods to Overcome Three Obstacles to Diligent Buddhist Practice:
- Stopping the Laziness of Procrastination by thinking about death and that we may die very soon.
- Stopping (or Reducing) the Laziness of Attachment to Negative Activities by reflecting on the infallibility of Karmic Law in this and future lives.
- Stopping the Laziness of Self-Contempt or Discouragement:
- Mental Consciousness is Buddhism's Creator
(3) Stop Discouragement Because Wherever You Are Is A Place To Practice [HANDOUT 5]
- What is Samsara?
- Nature of Samsaric Reality - Subjective Reflection of Mind not Objective [HANDOUT 6]
- No External Reality
Track 3 - Generate Motivation to be in Samsara for the Benefit of Others:
- Cherishing Others Reduces Personal Suffering
- Working for Bodhisattva Goal (Happiness for Others) is a Stairway to Joy & Happiness
- Benefits of Practicing in a Degenerate Age
- Four Immeasurable Phenomena: Time, Sentient Beings, Highest Realizations of the goal, and Wholesome Actions. i.e., No need to hurry and be impatient.
- Impatient quest for quick Enlightenment is Motivated by Self-Centered egoism. [HANDOUT 7]
- Studying Dharma provides antidotes to discouragement about time and effort required to attain Enlightenment.
Track 5 - Q&A
Q If the world is subjective, why isn't anger as limitless as love?
Q What about getting frustration when trying to discipline children out of loving concern for them?
Q Is love a special endeavor/action? What is difference between Buddhist definition of love and compassion?
NOTES of Class 5 (Sept 26) rough draft transcript of class offered for what it's worth.
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This is the 5TH class of the Fall 2012 term Perfection of Wisdom course
which addresses Diligence (Joyous Effort), the 4th-10th sub-topics of the 2nd Topic (Mahayana Practice Instructions) of Chapter 1 of Maitreya's
Ornament for Clear Realizations - Abhisamayalamkara.
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