Monday, May 30, 2011

Class 21 - Two Truths - Misperceived / Actual Mode of Existence

Download PDF's of HANDOUT and MP3 Tracks from the 21st class of 2011 held on Monday, May 30:


2011 Chart 4 - the Two Truths According to the Four Tenets.

2011 Chart 5 - Existent and the Two Truths.


Track 1 - Two Truths & Engaging in Practice - Transforming mental consciousness. Chart 4.

Introduction to Two Truths:
  • Whatever Exists is either a Conventional Truth (the false way phenomena appear) or an Ultimate Truth (actual mode of existence). 
  • Illustration: mirror reflection of face.
  • What is that false appearance.
  • Buddha did not say phenomena (the I/Self, all reality) do not exist.  Rather they appear to exist in a way that is not possible. We misperceive the Self/I and reality. That misperception generates averson and attachment that lead to actions that trap us in state of dissatisfaction/suffering (samsara).
Mind & Meditation.

Track 2 - How do things/phenomena (e.g., a flower) Exist.

  • How does the appear to exist?
    Is a Flower one with its parts" or separate from its parts?
    What is the collection of the parts.  What is the sum of the parts.
    Not different / Not one.  Parts are plural; the collection/sum = singular.

Track 3 - What is the Self?
  • How does the Self Appear to Exist.
    • Where do you feel your I/Self exists?
    • Contradictory feelings about our Self/Mind/Body.  Owner/part possessor.
    • Subtle Impermanence - static appearance is false; constant flux of molecules. No smallest moment of time.
  • Dependent Arising analysis to find Middle Way (free from Extremes of Reification/True Existence or Nihilism).  
  • Dependent Arising on the Basis of Parts 
  • Dependent Arising on the Basis of Causes and Conditions (Illustration, seed - sprout - flower).
Track 4 - Dependent Arising on the Basis of Imputation (Labelling)

Since phenomena are not inherently existent; how do they exist  On the basis of mental imputation - which is not random/irrational but on a functioning basis - that we learn from infancy.

Buddhas do not label. Do Buddhas only exist because of labelling by sentient beings?

The parts are not the flower.  On the basis of the parts (function, characteristics of shape, etc.) we impute flower.  The flower cannot be found.  It is a flower; but only a conventional.

Conventional - our social agreement regarding functioning phenomena.

Basis of Imputation:  of Flower, its parts.  Examine the parts:  do they inherently exist?  Analyze each part in the same way, looking for its actual mode of existence, and each part is also merely imputed on basis of its parts. ...

Imputation of $100 bill/money; USA/nations, etc.

Track 5 - Questions and Answers.

Mind of a Buddha perceives minds of sentient beings perceiving/imputing true existence, i.e., conventionally existent phenomena.

Phenomena do not inherently exist, but are imputedly existent.

Meaning of Duality.

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Anonymous said...

Classes from May 30th (except class x1) .. do not work. Cannot be downloaded to listen.

Nordron said...

Thank you Anonymous! The links are fixed.